the comic with a tagline that is this tagline

Really bad writing

It was a dark and stormy night. The lighting was poor, and the weather unfavorable, and it was after sunset


As he looked at her he knew at once that, like one of those red moon-shaped toy blocks that slots into a moon-shaped slot in a wooden box, like other differently colored blocks of different shapes already slotted into their own slots, for the purpose of amusing toddlers, she would make him complete.


he looked at his young son's amateur writing, which neither rhymed nor scanned and was scrawled in garish violet with a crayon on a piece of construction paper.


The news hit him like both the debris of a trainwreck and the train itself - if it was any consolation, it was paper so the news couldn't really do any damage, but he still felt it.


Sarah found bricklaying boring - aside from the sudden death of her father, bricks didn't sway her emotionally one way or the other.


No man is an island, but some are isthmuses.


Sarah had seven PhDs in computers, but this email was going to be a tough nut to hack.


Sara had, unusually for her, forgotten that phone she always liked to have around - it'd sure be much less climactic if she could call Joanne for the solution.


As the club for writing very very short but rather clever songs for people we felt sorry for was meeting, during minute 2, club member Theodore suggested what would happen if the abstract notion of the fear of the bottoms of sneakers married a specific instance of that for kudos for constructing sliding objects carrying the objects on which pale craniums with baguettes in their mouths passed on in their sleep. Thus did Ted embed "tread dread wed said dead bled head fed bread bed sled cred" into our pretty witty litty itty bitty pity ditty committee nitty-gritty.
