Between the 84 and this one, the proposal from 84 passed, canonically.
(1) anyone can make a proposal
(2) a player may make a proposal by writing it down and showing it to the other players
(3) to vote for a proposal a player states that they are voting for it, and similarly for voting against a proposal or abstaining.
(4) if a proposal has more than two votes for it and nobody has stated that they abstain or are voting against it, it passes.
(5) if a proposal has more than two votes for it, fewer votes against than votes for, and has existed for at least 5 minutes, then it is passed
(6) passed rules are added to the ruleset.
(7) all other actions are disallowed by default
(8) a player may do at most one of voting for or against a proposal (or abstaining on it). However they can change their decision any time.
(9) if a proposal has more than two votes against it and nobody has stated that they abstain or are voting for it, it fails. A failed proposal may not be later passed
(10) if a proposal has more than two votes against it, fewer votes for than votes against, and has existed for at least 5 minutes, then it is failed